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Reduce stress with Benson's relaxation technique

Try Herbert Benson's proven five step method that resets the nervous system.

Feeling under pressure can soon have has feeling worried and stressed. This is because our inbuilt fight/flight response is activated whenever we sense we're at risk or uncertain about an outcome.

As it's a function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), we have no control over the response initiating. However, we can step in when it's triggered. This is because the ANS consists of two separate branches.

The sympathetic branch mediates the fight/flight (stress) response; it revs us up to deal with challenge. The parasympathetic branch does the opposite. It slows things down.

Relaxation techniques such as slow breathing, mindful coloring, yoga practice or just picturing a peaceful place help to switch over to the ANS’ rest and digest parasympathetic branch.

Herbert Benson, the founder of the Harvard Mind-Body Institute, found that the body's automatic relaxation response could be entrained using a simple meditative approach.

He named the inbuilt physiological changes that occur when we switch over to the parasympathetic branch our relaxation response (Benson, Beary and Carol, 1974).

How to initiate Benson's Relaxation Response

1. Find a comfortable position. Whether sitting, standing or lying down, uncross the legs and allow the arms and hands to rest.

2. Gently close the eyes (no need to squeeze shut) or lower your gaze to the floor.

3. Scan your body for any obvious areas of tension that you can relax a little more.

Tip! Many of us (including me) tense our bellies unconsciously. See if that's true for you and, if it is, let your belly relax completely.

4. Breathing only through the nose, if that works for you, find and focus your attention on the sensations of breath in the nostrils, throat or belly.

5. Each time you exhale, silently repeat to yourself the word "one".

Tip! It's the focus on the exhale and repetition of a word that is important, not the word you use. So, if you want to choose another word or a phrase (e.g. all is well) that's fine just don't choose something that excites you or has negative connotations.

6. Your attention will naturally wander from the breath and you may become lost in thought. When that happens in a matter-of-fact way say to yourself "O, well" and then return to your breath and repeating your word.

How to use

Benson recommended doing this for 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening, to elicit the healing benefits that arises from being relaxed.

You can also use it to prepare for something you might find challenging. Take a time out to practice before a difficult call or conversation, prepare to give a talk or similar.

If you are going to do this for a set amount of time, every now and again look at a clock. Best not to use an alarm, it may make you jump and reduce the sense of calm that has arisen!

Finally, don't expect to feel a change. Trust that your body is doing things internally that you can't detect.

Take care of you.

This is just one of the meditations we practice in my weekly drop-in sessions. Register here to be sent drop-in meditation session link, if you would like to come along

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